
So here’s what just happened. When you entered your email, we just sent you your bonus, you should check for it right now, if you don’t see it check your spam or promotions folder.

You signing up is a really big deal to me.


Then I got an email tell me that you had signed up, this made me so excited I spilled my coffee. I’m always excited to meet new people, so this is pretty awesome.

I just want to say thank you for joining the Family Money Plan community!  We’ve just sent you an email with the link and password to access to our special members only area.

Make sure to check it out. It’s always getting updated.

Here’s the deal

Each week I’ll send you my best tips about personal finance and do my best to live up to your expectations.

I love sending you emails because it’s more personable than what goes on the site. It’s my email address, so hit reply and it will show up on my phone.

That’s how much I love doing this.

There’s 1 thing that would really help out:

Could you give us a like on Facebook. I know it’s silly but it would really help me out.

Here’s the link:


I’m really excited to have you on board. Please share this site with anyone you think it would help.