
Spending Less Articles

My First Money Lesson

There are a lot of first in our lives. The one that I am always curious about is the first lesson someone has about money. I call it...   My First Money Lesson I believe that this can be a truly defining moment for a person. It definitely was for me. When all my...

Have You Normalized Your Spending?

A few years ago I was visiting a childhood friend who had moved to Atlanta (btw Atlanta is one of my fave places to go). As we were driving back to his place the conversation turned to money. "Remember when we would get our allowance, it was $5 and we felt like we had...

How to Save Money on a Rental Car: We Saved 50% Doing This

Ideally, if you could drive your car to wherever you are going it would be better. You would save money on airfare, and you wouldn't have to worry about driving a rental car. Plus, you would have the familiarity of driving your own car. But not all trips allow...

Top 5 Free Family Entertainment Ideas

(Hey! Today I have an awesome post today from Tracy over at EarnitSaveit, make sure to check out her site after you have read these great ideas on free family entertainment) Family time is priceless, but the money spent on family entertainment often leaves us with...