
Spending Less Articles

How to Survive Financially as a Single Mom

Being a single mom is tough. You have to do everything - the cooking, cleaning, routine, discipline, school run, budgeting... and it can all be incredibly overwhelming. If you are a newly single mom, it can be a bit too much, especially if your ex was always the one...

Why You Should (Almost) Always Put Holiday Purchases on Your Credit Card

Today's post is from my friends Stephen over at Credit Card Genius. He's created a great site to help you determine which credit card is the best for you. I've used it in the past couple of weeks and it's changed my credit card strategy for spending. You’re probably...

Drop App Review – Earn with Drop

Shopping can be rewarding. But to enjoy those rewards, you have to remember your membership cards, loyalty codes, promotional certifications, and paper coupons. Wallets, keyrings, apps, and email. That’s a lot to juggle for very little reward. Thankfully, Drop is here...

How 5 Small Changes are Saving me $57,000 over the next 5 Years

Setting a financial goal can feel overwhelming and daunting.   A year ago, I set a financial goal to save $50,000 to invest in real estate.  However, most months it was difficult to save even $100.  How in the world would I reach $50,000?  With my...