
Spending Less Articles

Ways to Pay Off Credit Card Debt: 7 Things I’m Doing to Crush My Credit Card Debt Quickly

I have a great guest post for your today from Tom at Fired Up Millennials. Tom is running towards Financial Freedom. The first thing on his list is to pay off his credit card debt. There are some great ways to pay off credit card debt quickly in this post so make sure...

How to Get Out Of Debt Fast – The Ultimate Guide To Getting Out of Debt

Imagine waking up not too long from now and you are completely out of debt. What would you do differently? This has been my reality for the past year.  I have to say life without debt is as sweet as I thought it would be. This isn't going to be your standard 5...

Is Pay Per Mile Car Insurance Right For You?

Did you now that 65% of Americans drive less than 12,000 miles a year? Do you know what's not fair? Paying the same amount of auto insurance as someone else when you barely drive your car. It doesn't make sense. Luckily Metromile has come out...

How to Save Fuel and Money Too!

When it comes to driving, there is one cost we can (somewhat) control and that’s fuel. Let’s face it owning a car gets expensive. Fuel is your biggest on going cost so looking for how to save fuel makes the most sense. Luckily there are a lot of easy things you can do...